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The Slope - Valley Relation of the Şieu Morphohydrographic Basin in the Sărăţel - Someşul Mare Junction Sector

Claudia CLIVEŢ (CRISTEA)1, Ioan Aurel IRIMUŞ1, Anca AFLAT1, Ioana VIERU1
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Pages: 45-52

Abstract. The Şieu river, a tributary of the Someşu Mare river, streams from the north – eastern end of the Călimani mountains, at the contact between the peaks of the Căliman Mountains and the Bistriţa Depression, under the Căliman piedmont. The genesis and spatial development of the Şieu river basin is the result of its position in the northern extremity of the Transylvanian Depression, but also of the Transylvanian – Pannonian micro-board mobility, which generated a series of changes of the subsidence areas in the lower sector of the Şieu River. The relief of the Transylvanian Depression, by its actual appearance, is but a short sequence of the series of geomorphological changes. Distinguishing them may follow different paths depending on the purpouse, requirements and possibilities, one of which is represented by the analysis of the morphogenetic manifestation in the valley – slope systems, based on methodological support provided by functional geomorphology. Attention will be directed to the Sărăţel sector – the juncture with the Someşu Mare river, where contemporary alluvial processes (alluvial bed elevation, the presence of sloughing sectors) the appearance of sectors due to the saliferous Quaternary neotectonics, the agrotecnical exploitation  of land use, contribute to changes in the report of the slope – valley system. In this fluvial geomorphology study the spatio – temporal frame of the analysed system accounts for 268 km², of a total of 1691 km². The alternation of some saliferous horizons (the Sărata and Sărăţel Valleys) with other more friable ones (clays, marls, gravel) in addition to the fact that it is fully visible, it induces differentiations even in the water bed, valley sectors. The emergence of a series of wide NV–SE axial – plane separations: the Slătiniţa anticline, the Tărpiu synclinal, confer unicity to the sector.

K e y w o r d s:  dynamics, the Şieu River, river system, Transylvania, geomorphology