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Rural Tourism Development in the Basin of Drăgan Valley

Helena Maria SABO1
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Psychology and Science of Education, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Pages: 161-166

Abstract.  This paper presents a description of the tourism potential in the region of Drăgan Valley Basin. The motivation in choosing this theme is given by the variety of tourism resources that is found in the picturesque Valley of Drăgan River and the attractiveness of this type of tourism that has recently developed in Romania, rural tourism, and particularly the prospects of development in the context of European context. Drăgan river basin is a major tourist attraction located in the mountainous area in the Northwestern region of Cluj County. The region stands out due to its various and attractive landscape: barren Picks, snowbound Alpine heights in dense forests, Mountain meadows with millions of flowers, the impressive vertical scale is enriched by the presence of unique natural phenomena: waterfalls, springs, caves. The natural tourism potential in the region is completed by the major cultural, historical and religious attractions.

K e y w o r d s: attractive potential, tourism, Drăganului Valley, rural sustainable development