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Current Trends and Spatial Implications of Labour Force Migration from the Upper Basin of Vişeu River

Dănuț PETREA1, Vasile HOJDA2
1 Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
2 Secondary School of Moisei, Maramureş County, ROMANIA


Abstract. The migration of workforce from Maramureş historic region towards other regions does not represent a new phenomenon. However, its typology, destinations and spatial implications of this phenomenon have changed considerably in the last years. The international migration has become quasiabsolute and with a high impact along with the restructuring of industry and the overall decrease of the level of living. In this study we aim to make an assessment of the situation of one of the most migration affected areas in Maramureş Depression, which is the upper basin of Vişeu River. Our approach focuses on the causes and geodemographic mutations associated to this phenomenon, its quantitative and qualitative characteristics and especially its impact in the territory. Special attention is given to the social, economic, landscape and perception implications that have led to significant changes in the last years, resulting in morphologic, functional and aesthetic modifications as well as affecting the mentality and level of living of the local communities.

K e y w o r d s:  labour force migration, migration factors, effects of migration, social implication