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Analysing Urban Sprawl and Shifting of Urban Growth Centre of Bengaluru City, India Using Shannon’s Entropy Method

Sarthak VERMA1, Amit CHATTERJEE1, Nikhil Ranjan MANDAL1
1 School of Planning and Architecture, Department of Planning, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
Pages: 89-98

Abstract. Urbanization is considered as a significant driver of land use and land cover change which is closely associated with the growth of population and economy. Geographical Information System and remote sensing technology are efficient tools for detecting patterns and trends of urban growth. In order to avoid unwanted impact of urban growth at the local and regional level, planning for expected future growth is essential. Bengaluru (previously known as Bangalore), in Karnataka, India, is a city of economic success, challenges, opportunities, hopes and above all, a city of dreams for immigrants. The study aims to quantify trends of urban growth in Bengaluru city using Geographical Information System, remote sensing techniques and Shannon’s Entropy method. The study reveals an increasing trend in the entropy values for the city signifying urban sprawl or dispersed development of the city. It also indicates spatial shifting of growth centres within the city. Results of demographic and spatial analysis were verified through visual survey of ground truth. The process and the findings have a high utility to comprehend the land use changes and forecast expansion patterns to develop a future scenario, which may be further used to prepare planning and management strategies at regional as well as local levels.

K e y w o r d s:  Shannon’s Entropy, urban growth, urban sprawl, Bengaluru, GIS