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To a Performance Management of the Subsistence Households in the Eutric Cambisoils’ Area of Brebu Commune – Prahova County, Romania

Mihai BERCA1, Valentina Ofelia ROBESCU2, Roxana HOROIAŞ3
1 University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest, ROMANIA
2 Valahia University of Târgoviște, Târgoviște, ROMANIA 
Pages: 7-13

Abstract. The objective of the present paper was to conduct some researches in the inhabited area of Brebu Commune – Prahova County, an area with eutric cambisoils. By using local varieties of corn and monocultures over a ten-year period, the landholders of Brebu Commune in Prahova County used to obtain about 1050 kg corn/ha, with 9.5% protein, even under favourable moisture conditions. Taking into account that feeding pigs with corn grain only, the consumption was of 10/1 this means that the corn yield per one hectare was used entirely for the nutrition of one pig in 2 years. We therefore tried to demonstrate that by abandoning the monoculture and the corn local varieties and by introducing a crop rotation system with ameliorative preceding plants, such as peas and alfalfa, as jumping field, and of some performance hybrids, the yield could increase up to 5500 kg corn/ha. This way, up to 16 pigs could be raised and they could obtain a net income/ha of over 11.000 lei (2.000 Euros). Our experiment did not involve the use of any synthesis chemical fertilizers. In order to replace them, we built an ecological hole of compost fermentation, where by the mixture of the manure from different species, of the household and agricultural land remnants, there was obtained a compost with 6-8% N, which meant that at a dose of 25 t/ha was enough to supply the plants with nutrients and to force the householders to an advanced greening of the household and of the lands.

K e y w o r d s:  households, management, production systems, crop rotation, livestock