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Analysis of Population Structure in the Someş River Plain

Ramona Flavia RAŢIU1
1“Dimitrie Cantemir” University, Faculty of Geography, Târgu  Mureş, ROMANIA
Pages: 131-140

Abstract. The Someş River Plain is situated in the central northern part of the Transylvanian Plain. Its individuality, from a geo-demographic point of view, is the result of a long evolution of its communities under the definite influence of physical, geographical, social and historical factors. The analysis of the population structured on age groups was done progressively during the population censuses in 1910, 1966, 1992 and 2002. In 1910, the young population accounted for 49.3% of the total population. The share of adult population was slightly more reduced than that of the young population (43.2%) while the old population (of 60 and over 60) accounted for 7.4% of the total population in the Someş River Plain. Until 1966 it can be said that the population in the Someş River Plain was young, the share of the population under 20 being of 49.3% in 1910 and 37% in 1966. After 1966, there were significant changes as far as the share of old population was concerned at the population censuses in 1992 and 2002, when the population of 65 and over 65 exceeded 18% of the total population, these values placing the population in the Someş River Plain.

K e y w o r d s: feminized and aging population, ethnic and religious heterogeneity