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The Optimization Mechanism of Administrative Sanctions for Violation of Environmental Laws in Rural Areas

Petru BACAL1
1 Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Chişinău, REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA
Pages: 57-62

Abstract. Optimization mechanism for sanctioning administrative for violations of environmental legislation is one of the basic guarantees of ensuring environmental sustainability and comfort in the rural space. Under the new provisions of the Offences Code has expanded the area of applying of penalties for contraventions on the soil, waste, water and wildlife. There are several new forms of punishment, such as work for the benefit of rural communities, meant to increase the economic, social and environmental effects of the mechanism of administrative sanctions, but they are rarely applied. There is a multiple increase of fines imposed for infringement of environmental legislation on soils, water resources, atmospheric air and the animal kingdom. 

K e y w o r d s:  administrative sanctions, environmental legislation, offences, fees, rural space