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Tradition and Modernity in the Occupational Structure of the Population from Gurghiu Morphohydrographic Basin

Maria Luminiţa NEAGU1
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Pages: 65-68

Abstract. This paper approaches aspects referring to the tradition and ancient customs of the region of the Gurghiu Basin, the specific characteristics of mountain villages, emphasizing at the same time the aspects which are connected to the modernization of the Romanian village, in terms of tourism related development (agro-tourism, ecologic tourism, cultural tourism), generating a modern infrastructure, and also their impact on the rural traditional structure. The purpose of this paper is to relieve the fact that tradition and folklore represent the most important poles on which the economic development of the villages stands up, combining both tradition and modernity. The Gurghiu Valley Festival is one of the events whose main aim is to promote tradition and customs of Gurghiu`s Valley area, a region situated at the interference of many cultures, but which is unique because its residents have guarded and handed down the traditional customs. However, the modern accents marked their influence on the Romanian village, mostly by generating a modern infrastructure providing the economic development of the area.

K e y w o r d s:  Gurghiu basin, wood, rural tradition