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The Rural Households. Case Study. Cheia Village, Mihai Viteazu Commune, Cluj County

Vasile SURD1, Leonard BRUCKNER2, Adina-Maria PUŞCAŞU2
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
2 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Pages: 87-94

Abstract. After 1989, fundamental changes in agricultural structures occurred as a consequence of the setting up of Land Law no. 18/1991 along with other subsequent regulations. Excessive concentration of property before 1989 took a new twist, pertaining to excessive fragmentation, therefore the shift from large areas of land to small farms nowadays. But the farmer received only land without machinery or equipment necessary to its efficient operation. In this paper we want to highlight the specific state of rural economic life in Romania after extinctions of political communist economy system and after almost the entire destruction of infrastructure and facilities left from the former political system (decommissioning and destruction of irrigation system, the abandoning of tractors and agricultural equipment buildings, of chemical fertilizer production). Therefore, we aim to highlight the present economic state of a village in Cluj County and its households.

K e y w o r d s:  rural household, aggregation indicators, farming economy classes, Cheia village