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Tourism - the Basis for Local Development of Rural Spaces in Maleshevo Region (Maleshevo Mountains)

1 University of Toutism and Management, Skopje, REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA
Pages: 177-183

Abstract. Rural environment is a part of space which is packed with special peculiarities especially when it comes to local development. Local development is more specific and has even a greater specificity if it is part of a rural mountain area. Such rural mountain areas are the Maleshevo Mountains, especially the space around Berovo (Maleshevо) valley, where the little town of Berovo is the central settlement together with other several rural settlements that administratively belong to the municipality of Berovo. This rural mountain area with its natural and anthropogenic characteristics and demographic features offer excellent opportunities for tourism development, especially development of rural tourism as a specific form of tourism. It is this kind of tourism - Rural Tourism that has a great economic and social impact on the rural areas under development. This influence can be direct through direct tourism consumption and indirect by encouraging and supporting the development of other economic activities, local infrastructure, etc...). If we see development in such a way, rural tourism in the Maleshevo region will represent a serious basis for the local development with all its segments in the actual rural space.

K e y w o r d s: rural tourism, rural mountain area, local development, Maleshevo Mountains