Agricultural Mountain Areas in Bulgaria. Problems, Challenges, Decisions
1“St. Kliment Ohridski” University, Faculty of Geology and Geography, Department of Social and Economic Geography, Sofia, BULGARIA
Pages: 145-150
Abstract. Mountain areas occupy a significant portion of the territory in Bulgaria. They are very diverse in its natural characteristics, which puts their mark on the overall profile and effectiveness. Agriculture, which in most cases is the main economic activity here, is highly dependent on the restrictions imposed by the geographical environment in the mountains. The study provides an analysis of current realities in the development of the agricultural sector in mountain areas. We have identified the main spatial and organizational problems and challenges this sector is facing. There are indicated some solutions which could preserve the mountain scenery and unique cultural landscapes for the utilization and sustainable economic development in these areas.
K e y w o r d s: mountainous areas, disadvantaged areas, agriculture, agrarian economy, agribusiness, sustainable development