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Comparative Analysis on the Use of Raster and Vector Data in the Optimization Process of Rural Area Planning

1 University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management, Department of Cadastre and Spatial Management, Olsztyn, POLAND
2 University of Warmia and Mazury, Faculty of Geodesy and Land Management, Department of Planning and Spatial Engineering, Olsztyn, POLAND
Pages: 1-6

Abstract. Rural area is a unique system of individual and interdependent features. In the geographical space, these features concern the suitability of the area and are the criteria of their optimization. Their multitudinous character makes the management of rural space a continuous and dynamic process of great significance. The instrument of this process is spatial planning determining the final development and land use. Particularly important in this process is the selection of geodata, as a direct indicator of the directions of land use. Digitization of spatial data, the underlying generated geographic information system (GIS) seems to be extremely useful in the process. The ability to analyze the information gathered by the addition of simple queries to databases enables the understanding of the accuracy of what may occur in the spatial distribution of phenomena, which in turn allows making planning decisions. Still, it remains difficult to determine which of the features stored in the system are the key planning information. The study shows an example of a hybrid method of analysis and selection of geodata necessary to optimize the process of spatial planning with the use of vector maps. As a result of the method, which is based on collecting data from raster maps, spatial planning process becomes a lot less time-consuming and laborious and the results of analysis can successfully fund information systems. The analysis proved to be an effective and important tool to achieve the efficiency of a hybrid method in the optimization process.

K e y w o r d s:  GIS, spatial planning, rural areas, vector maps, raster maps