Local Development in Mediterranean Mountain Areas and Protected Spaces in Spain: Opportunities and Dangers
1 University of Málaga, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, Department of Geography, Málaga, SPAIN
E-mail: geolugom@uma.es
Pages: 191-199
Abstract. From the standpoint of local development, this paper analyses the factors impeding Mediterranean mountain areas from benefiting from the opportunities offered by their designation as protected natural areas. In addition, it describes opportunities for improvement, taking into account the Europe 2020 Strategy and the Natura 2000 network. Focusing on a natural park in southern Spain, the analysis highlights the following causes of the above problem: the weak interaction between local human capital and park management systems; the scant involvement of users of the park’s public facilities in the local economy; and low level of visitor’s interest in the biodiversity values offered by the park, in clear contradiction with the goals of its management body. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose new forms of management applicable to mountain areas, both those containing specific biodiversity assets, and thus eligible for protection, and those subject to less restrictive regulations but nevertheless featuring fragile territorial resources, which is the case of the Mediterranean mountains. These new forms of management should be aimed at regaining the relationship between ager and saltus with respect to closing the production cycle, traceability and achieving compatibility between environmental quality and food quality.
K e y w o r d s: management of protected areas, Mediterranean mountains, rural and local development