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Tourist Potential of Târgu Lăpuş Micro-region, Part of Maramureş

Amalia Izabela MIHALCA1
1 Babeş-Bolyai  University, Faculty of Geography, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
Pages: 87-92

Abstract. In the first part of the paper, we focus on the elements that contribute to the attractiveness of the analyzed territory for becoming a tourist attraction pole. The location of this region, along with the natural and human resources highlight the suitability character of this micro-region. In the second part of the paper, we formulate the SWOT analysis, on which basis we propose measures for the revitalization of Târgu Lăpuş micro-region and its integration into national and international tourist circuits.

K e y w o r d s: natural potential, tourism, tourist facilities, SWOT analysis