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Romanian Village, Exponential Tool for Rural Tourism Sustainable Development and Management

Laurențiu DINU1
1 University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geography, Bucharest, ROMANIA
Pages: 141-148

Abstract. The Romanian village - keeper of the popular art treasure, the most of the ethnographical and folk heritage,  placed in an attractive natural framework- might constitute (as part of the national and international tourist potential) the base of a quality tourist activity, having a local and national specific, giving a personal touch to the Romanian tourism. From this point of view, the agro-tourism – or, generally speaking, the tourism in rural spaces - might become a new and proper direction of transforming the rural life. In the same time, the agro-tourism is a way to increase the values of Romanian specificity, without affecting the quality of natural environment. So, it is imperious necessary to identify and classify villages according to their specifics, from a tourism point of view, and to determine the specific activities that can polarize different segments of tourism related necessities. Another objective is to find some more ways than can promote tourism on external tourism markets, mostly the tourism related activities based on religion, hunting and fishing, horse riding and even culinary tourism. 

K e y w o r d s:  ethnic folk heritage, tourist village, types of tourist villages, rural tourism, rules and regulations