Daniela MATEI1, Krisztina Melinda DOBAY*1
* Corresponding author
1 Romanian Academy, Iași Branch, “Gheorghe Zane” Institute of Economic and Social Research, Iași, ROMANIA
E-mail: daniela_matei2004@yahoo.com, dobaykrisztinamelinda@yahoo.com
Pages: 15-20. URL: https://geografie.ubbcluj.ro/ccau/jssp/arhiva_si3_2014/03JSSPSI032014.pdf
Cite: Matei D., Dobay K. M. (2014), Spatial Determinations in Rural Functional Typologies Differentiations of the Western Area of Botoșani County, Romania. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Special Issue 3, 15-20. URL: https://geografie.ubbcluj.ro/ccau/jssp/arhiva_si3_2014/03JSSPSI032014.pdf
Abstract. Rural communities that are located along borders usually benefit from more favourable development conditions (forests, agriculture, etc.), which, at least theoretically, should lead to above-average growth villages in such areas. Statistically however, the analysis of the economic activities in 11 communes of Botoșani County located in the border area with Suceava County reveals significant discrepancies between communes located near a communication route and the ones located far from it. This situation determines the presence of some territorial functional peripheries, whose particularities we intend to discover herein. The natural environment dominated by mountains in the western part of Suceava County and plateau in the remaining area determined that the settlements from the contact area benefit from the trade between the two complementary areas. In addition, the hydrographical network of the area had a significant role, the most important settlements in the region being located at small distances from either side of the Siret River.
K e y w o r d s: development potential, rural communities, contact areas, functional periphery