
JSSP NEWS 08.07.2024

Vol. 15, No. 1/2024 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 27.03.2024

We hereby announce that the special issues with the themes Water Supply and Wastewater Management in Modern and Smart Cities and Sustainable Cities: Tools and Rules were cancelled due to objective reasons. Although the submission deadline was extended, the special issues could not be delivered by the due date. All contributing authors that have had their manuscripts accepted for publication and further published online first are informed that their articles will be included in the next regular issue of Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning.

JSSP NEWS 27.09.2023

Starting with July 2023, JSSP has been indexed in Web of Science Core Collection™ and has an Impact Factor of 0.7 (JCR, 2023). For more details, check here

JSSP NEWS 27.09.2023

Vol. 14, No. 1/2023 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2022

Vol. 13, No. 2/2022 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2022

Special Issue No. 10/2022 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 12.10.2022

Special Issue No. 9/2022 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 10.08.2022

Vol. 13, No. 1/2022 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 09.01.2022

Vol. 12, No. 2/2021 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 02.07.2021

Vol. 12, No. 1/2021 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 27.06.2021

Special Issue No. 8/2021 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 21.06.2021

Special Issue No. 7/2021 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 06.05.2021

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 11/2021

Cities, Suburbs and Peripheries in Theory and Empirical Research

Guest Editors: Artur HOŁUJ1
1 Kraków University of Economics, Institute of Spatial Management and Urban Studies, Kraków, POLAND

Identifying and assessing the endogenous dependencies of the implemented spatial management policies require in-depth studies aimed at understanding their nature and consequences. In recent years,  spatial planning has benefitted from significant focus from researchers, resulting in debates on good practices and providing suitable solutions at different issues at the local or regional scale, but also particularly in the context of poor quality practices, which usually generate spatial chaos and other negative consequences. Moreover, it is important to analyse the conditions and dependencies considering the integrated order and spatial development in the urban core area and the suburbs. If we also consider spillover effects and spatial externalities, we must deal with the intensification of problems in spatial management. The forthcoming thematic issue aims to cover various aspects of spatial development and planning, mainly in relation to the economic and social aspects of the urban, suburban and rural areas.

We invite you to submit original scientific articles on one or more issues, focusing mostly on methodological, cognitive, applicative and conceptual-theoretical issues related to:

  • Spatial management and planning;
  • Development trends in the suburban areas – the impact of peripherality on the socio-economic development of rural areas;
  • Demographic transformations in metropolitan areas;
  • Economic and non-economic externalities of spatial planning;
  • Urban sprawl, urbanisation, suburbanisation, metropolitanization, decentralization, revitalization, re-urbanization;
  • Functional urban areas;
  • Spatial and economic policies;
  • Spillover effects & externalities;
  • Spatial planning policies and practices for adaptation to climate change and natural hazards.

For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2020

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 10/2021

Sustainable Cities: Tools and Rules

Guest Editors: Mohammadreza KAMALI1
Guest Assistant Editor: Xiaobin Yu1
1 KU Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, BELGIUM

Sustainable design of cities and urban areas requires multidisciplinary knowledge to ensure providing the needs of the current communities without depletion of natural resources and to sustain them for future generations. In fact, there is a need for several combinations of technological infrastructures to form an array of sustainable cities. In this regard, various aspects of sustainable development should be precisely taken into consideration to design a new sustainable city or to upgrade the existing and current cities, especially in developing countries with a number of environmental, economic, and social issues.

This special issue concerns various aspects of designing sustainable cities and to transform the current cities in a way to be in compliance with sustainability goals and calls for original research papers, short communications, and critical reviews which bring novel contributions on the following topics of interest:

  • Sustainable cities;
  • Philosophy and principles;
  • Spatial planning of sustainable cities:tools and rules;
  • Novel sustainability paradigms in modern and smart cities;
  • Urban ecology and environmental aspects of modern and smart cities;
  • The economics of sustainable cities;
  • Traffic management and planning in sustainable cities;
  • Sustainable supply chain in modern and smart cities;
  • Sustainable cities in developing countries:challenges and opportunities;
  • Water management and re-use in sustainable cities;
  • Upgrading the current cities to sustainable cities: barriers and inspirations;
  • Social considerations in sustainable cities.

For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2020

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 9/2021

Water Supply and Wastewater Management in Modern and Smart Cities

Guest Editors: Mohammadreza KAMALI1
Guest Assistant Editor: Xi Zhang1
1 KU Leuven, Department of Chemical Engineering, Sint-Katelijne-Waver, BELGIUM

Water management in urban areas is a complex task that requires not only efficient technical infrastructures for water supply and wastewater management but also multidisciplinary coordination across many sectors and authorities. On the other hand, rapid urbanization and development of modern and smart cities have considerably increased the demand for sustainable clean water and sanitation services. The lack of efficient wastewater treatment and drainage facilities, especially in developing countries, has also led to the pollution of surface and groundwater resources, which can subsequently cause severe environmental and ecotoxicological impact. There are also industries located in urban areas that create and discharge high amounts of effluents with various degrees of pollution load based on the production technology they use and the infrastructures they are equipped with for the treatment of the generated effluents. 

This special issue concerns various aspects of the water supply and wastewater management in urban areas, especially in modern cities and calls for original research papers, short communications, and critical reviews which would bring novel contributions on the following topics of interest:

  • Water supply in modern and smart cities: challenges, opportunities and sustainability considerations;
  • Stormwater management in urban areas: water use and flood management;
  • Spatial planning of water supply and wastewater treatment infrastructures;
  • State of the art drinking water and municipal wastewater treatment technologies (only review papers are accepted);
  • Modern tools for water and wastewater management in urban areas (geographic information system, multi-criteria decision making, scientometric studies, etc.);
  • Water management in urban areas and modern cities: standards and policies;
  • Circular economy in urban water management;
  • Urban water management and wastewater treatment in developing countries;
  • Industrial effluents in urban areas: origin and management.

For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 14.11.2020

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 8/2021

Territorial Identities and Sustainable Development. Challenges and Solutions

Guest Editors: Oana-Ramona ILOVAN1 Marinela ISTRATE2
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Territorial Identities and Development Research Centre (TIDRC), Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
2 Al. I. Cuza University, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iaşi, ROMANIA

Territorial belonging and territorial attractiveness are elements of strategic relevance for development at various levels. Therefore, territorial identity is relevant for building the social capital so useful during the processes of development and territorial planning. The concern about territorial identity and development is part of the same trend that occurred in the academic and political environment after the 1990s, when it became obvious that there was a strong connection between these and environmental, social and economic well-being.

This special issue will host the results of original empirical and theoretical scientific research on territorial identity and its relation to sustainable development.

We welcome contributions on the following topics of interest, but not limited to these:

  • Territorial identity and (un)sustainable community development (rural and urban)
  • Territorial identity, regional development, and regional inequalities
  • Territorial identity and territorial planning
  • Territorial identity and public policy (including gender policies)
  • Territorial identity and smart communities
  • Territorial identity and green economies
  • Disruptive changes, resilience, and sustainable development
  • Tangible and intangible elements of territorial identity for sustainable development
  • Urban and rural regeneration based on territorial identities
  • Landscape transformations and sustainability
  • (Re)developing place attachment and meaning
  • Historically informed practices for resource management
  • Theoretical contributions for the study of territorial identity within the theoretical discourses on sustainable development
  • Research methodology for the study of territorial identity

For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 14.11.2020

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 7/2021

Territorial Identities and Heritage. Discourses and Practices

Guest Editors: Oana-Ramona ILOVAN1 Marinela ISTRATE2
1 Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Geography, Territorial Identities and Development Research Centre (TIDRC), Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
2 Al. I. Cuza University, Faculty of Geography and Geology, Iaşi, ROMANIA

Territorial identity involves both the place attachment and belonging and the politics of territorial planning. Various types of identity (place, urban, regional, national, cultural, personal, community, etc.) have been proven to contribute to the identity of place, as these are viewed in relation to its historical heritage and characteristics. At the same time, local identity harbours emotional and symbolic meanings people ascribe to a sense of self and attachment to place.

This special issue starts from a relational, dynamic, and participatory notion of territorial identity. Therefore, it will host the results of original empirical and theoretical scientific research on territorial identity and its representations as constructed through discourses and practices.

We welcome contributions on the following topics of interest, but not limited to these:

  • Representations of territorial identity and development: discourses, images, practices
  • Heritage management
  • Perceptions of territorial identity at various levels
  • Constructing, preserving and promoting territorial identities
  • Place/regional attachment in time
  • (Re)defining place meaning and topophilia
  • Territorial identity and territorial planning
  • Territorial identity and public policy
  • Territorial identity and formal and informal education
  • Theoretical contributions for the study of territorial identity within the discourse of Cultural Geography
  • Research methodology for the study of territorial identity

For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 17.10.2020

Special Issue No. 6/2020 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2020

Vol. 11, No. 1/2020 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2019

Vol. 10, No. 2/2019 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2019

Vol. 10, No. 1/2019 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2018

Online First Policy. We remind our collaborators that, in the interest of both authors and readers, starting with 2018, we introduced the online first policy. This aims to offer full access to the research results at the earliest date possible, thus reducing the time before submission and publication of a manuscript. Manuscripts accepted for publication will be posted online as soon as they have the final proofread version prepared. Every manuscript will be assigned a DOI and will be available for reading and citation even before the date of the regular publication (be it June or December of a certain year). See the Online First articles

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2018

We announce our contributors that we made some adjustments to the author guidelines, effective starting with January 1st, 2019. Thus, we kindly ask authors to follow the new citation and referencing style we adopted. For more details please check the Author guidelines section

JSSP NEWS 29.12.2018

Vol. 9, No. 2/2018 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 04.12.2018

Open call for papers

Special Issue, no. 6/2020

Multi-Criteria Spatial Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Development

Publication: September, 2019

Guest Editor: Mohammadreza KAMALI1
1 University of AveiroDepartment of Environment and Planning, Center for Environmental and Marine Studies, CESAM, Aveiro, PORTUGAL

In the current era of sustainable development, land suitability analysis (LSA) has become more complex due to the use of multiple criteria considering all the technical, social, economic and environmental aspects. This may bring difficulties for decision-makers in choosing the best alternatives to ensure long-term sustainability of land use applications (LUAs). Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) has been developed as a popular and flexible branch of operational research to deal with complex scenarios, including conflicting objectives and various criteria. Spatial decision problems (SDPs) can be systematically formulated in a multi-criteria spatial decision support system (MC-SDSS) to accelerate land-use planning activities, especially by using the advanced frameworks for gathering, managing and analyzing data such as geographic information system (GIS). This special issue aims to create a synthetic view on the application of MCDM techniques for sustainable territorial development, in their conventional and advanced forms, in order to provide an insight into the sustainable land-use planning (SLUP) for various applications and future prospects. Articles that reveal the application of MCDM method in case studies at different spatial scales, interdisciplinary studies and bring out solutions to overcome the existing problems are highly encouraged. This special issue accepts original research articles as well as review articles presenting a diversity of recent developments on the main topics presented below, but not limited to:

  • Urban and regional planning;
  • Urban systems, housing and urbanism;
  • Energy and resource planning;
  • Coastal and mountainous areas;
  • Transport systems and infrastructure;
  • Industrial activities;
  • Tourism and destination management;
  • Future perspectives on the application of advanced multi-criteria decision-making systems for sustainable spatial planning.

Other research results on topics that emphasize the importance of ‘land’ as a central theme in sustainable development practices are also welcomed. 

Deadline for full papers: May 01, 2019

Please send your abstracts to: Mohammadreza KAMALI


For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2018

Vol. 9, No. 1/2018 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2017

We announce all our contributors that, starting with January 1st, 2018, charges will be applied to all manuscripts accepted for publication in the Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning. For more details, please visit Publication charges section

JSSP NEWS 29.12.2017

We are happy to announce you that, following the indexation of the Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), starting with October 2017, Clarivate Analytics have decided to include the entire content of JSSP (2010-2017) in Web of Science Core Collection. The purpose of this act is to ensure the highest level of availability, visibility and accessibility to researchers of the scientific community in the field.

JSSP NEWS 22.12.2017

Vol. 8, No. 2/2017 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 13.08.2017

New Indexation. Starting with Issue 8(1)/2017, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning has been selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics and it is now indexed and abstracted in WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION – EMERGING SOURCES CITATION INDEX

JSSP NEWS 01.07.2017

Vol. 8, No. 1/2017 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 28.04.2017

Open call for papers

Special Issue on Smart Specialisation: Challenges and Opportunities for Lagging Regions

Guest Editors: Dominique FORAY1, Stelian BRAD2, Andrei KELEMEN3
1 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Collège du Management de la Technologie, Lausanne, SWITZERLAND
2 Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Research Centre for Engineering and Management of Innovation, Cluj IT Cluster, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA
3 Cluj IT Cluster, Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning will publish a thematic issue in 2018 with papers related to section “Smart Specialisation: Challenges and Opportunities for Lagging Regions” of the RSA Central & Eastern Europe Conference 2017, Cluj-Napoca, Romania organised jointly by Babeș-Bolyai University and the Regional Studies Association (RSA).

Deadline for full papers: August 31, 2017

Please send your abstracts to: Andrei KELEMEN


For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 20.12.2016

Vol. 7, No. 2/2016 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 16.06.2016

Vol. 7, No. 1/2016 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 17.02.2016

Special Issue No. 5/2016 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 12.08.2015

New Indexation. Starting with Issue 5(1)/2015 of the Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning the content is also covered in SCOPUS DATABASE (Elsevier) and CiteFactor

JSSP NEWS 10.08.2015

New Special Issue. Next Special Issue of JSSP on Planning for Resource Efficient Cities will be published online in February, 2016

JSSP NEWS 15.07.2015

Call for papers – closed (July 31st, 2015) – Special Issue on Planning for Resource Efficient Cities

Publication: February 2016

Guest Editors: Christian FERTNER1, Niels Boje GROTH1
1University of Copenhagen,Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section of Landscape Architecture and Planning, Copenhagen, DENMARK

Transforming cities’ use of resources to address the threats of climate change and resource scarcity is one of the main future challenges in urban development. Striving towards energy self-sufficiency, implementing regional resource cycles, retrofitting of the built environment as well as decoupling urban development and resource use are crucial for a city’s future vulnerability and resilience against changes in general resource availability. The challenge gets further complex, as resource and energy efficiency in a city is deeply interwoven with other aspects of urban development such as social structures as well as the geographical context. As cities are the main consumer of energy and resources they are both problem and solution to tackle issues of energy efficiency and saving. Furthermore, through innovation in green technologies and the removing of bottlenecks in network infrastructure, cities can enhance their competitiveness. This special issue will present research from EU FP7 project PLEEC (‘Planning for Energy Efficient Cities’,, but contributions from other researchers are most welcome!

Deadline for abstracts: July 15, 2015

Please send your abstracts to Dr. Christian FERTNER


For more details please check Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 01.07.2015

Vol. 6, No. 1/2015 of JSSP is now available online. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2014

Vol. 5, No. 2/2014 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.09.2014

Special Issue No. 3/2014 of JSSP dedicated to the 6th edition of the International Conference on Rural Space and Local Development with the theme Peripheral Rural Areas between Certain Existence and Uncertain Development. You have open access to the papers included in this special issue if you check the section Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2014

Vol. 5, No. 1/2014 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2013

Vol. 4, No. 2/2013 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.09.2013

Special Issue No. 2/2013 of JSSP dedicated to the 5th edition of the International Conference on Rural Space and Local Development with the theme Rural Mountain Areas. Experience, Preservation, Trends and Future Challenges. You have open access to the papers included in this special issue if you check the section Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2013

Vol. 4, No. 1/2013 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2012

Vol. 3, No. 2/2012 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.09.2012

Special Issue No. 1/2012 of JSSP dedicated to the 5th edition of the International Conference on Rural Space and Local Development with the theme Rural Mountain Areas. Experience, Preservation, Trends and Future Challenges. You have open access to the papers included in this special issue if you check the section Archive (special issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2012

Vol. 3, No. 1/2012 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2011

Vol. 2, No. 2/2011 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2011

Vol. 2, No. 1/2011 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check thesection Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.12.2010

Vol. 1, No. 2/2010 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)

JSSP NEWS 30.06.2010

Vol. 1, No. 1/2010 of JSSP. You have open access to the papers included in this issue if you check the section Archive (regular issues)