Urban Sprawl Costs: The Valuation of Households’ Losses in Poland
Piotr LITYŃSKI1, Artur HOŁUJ*1
* Corresponding author
1 Kraków University of Economics, Faculty of Economy and Public Administration, Department of Regional Economics, Kraków, POLAND
E-mail: litynskp@uek.krakow.pl, holuja@uek.krakow.pl
Pages: 11-35. DOI: 10.24193/JSSP.2017.1.02
Cite: Lityński P., Hołuj A. (2017), Urban Sprawl Costs: The Valuation of Households’ Losses in Poland. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 8(1), 11-35. DOI: 10.24193/JSSP.2017.1.02
Abstract. The primary objective of the study is to estimate the financial losses incurred by households due to an intensification of chaotic suburbanization. The calculations include both annual losses and their forecast for 2030. The zone outside the Functional Urban Areas of regional capitals of Poland was considered for analysis. The results of the analysis indicate that, due to the chaotic suburbanization in Poland, social losses can be assessed as high as €4.1k per year. In 2030 losses could reach €75k per household, of which €44k losses incurred directly, and €35k represents the value of lost time. These losses are determined by the systemic shortcomings in Poland in terms of space management and road construction planning and implementation. Also, they results from the lack of effective implementation of spatial policy covering the area of the city and neighboring municipalities. Thus it is crucial to introduce spatial plans covering the metropolitan area and further their effective implementation. In order to complete this challenge, a significant meaning is tied to a wide range of public social consultations which may be directed to fulfilling a spatial development vision and be one of social acceptance.
K e y w o r d s: costs, loses, households, functional urban areas, urban sprawl, suburbanization