Abstract 01JSSP022012

An Approach on Spatial Integration and Diffusion Process

George M. KORRES*1, 2
* Corresponding author
1 University of Newcastle, Centre of Urban Regional & Development Studies, (CURDS), Newcastle, UNITED KINGDOM
2 University of the Aegean, School of Social Sciences, Department of Geography, Mytilene, GREECE
E-mail: gkorres@geo.aegean.gr
Pages: 57-61. URL: https://geografie.ubbcluj.ro/ccau/jssp/arhiva_2_2012/01JSSP022012.pdf

Cite: Korres G. M. (2012), An Approach on Spatial Integration and Diffusion Process. Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, 3(2), 57-61. URL: https://geografie.ubbcluj.ro/ccau/jssp/arhiva_2_2012/01JSSP022012.pdf

Abstract. The importance of diffusion of technology for economic growth has been considerably emphasised in economic literature. This paper investigates the role and the impact of the diffusion of technology in economic contexts. It also attempts to analyze the diffusion models through epidemic and probit analysis  models.

K e y w o r d s:  spatial integration, growth, logit models, probit models